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Staying in Orbit: Katonah Yoga with Marco Migliavacca
What defines us? Is it the container we inhabit—the vehicle with its limits and potential—or the narrative that holds our memories and desires? Maybe it’s both. One thing is certain: where there are limits, there’s potential waiting to be explored and expressed. By reshaping the container, we give ourselves the chance to rewrite the story we’re telling, moment by moment, letting our physiology shape our psychology.
In this practice, we’ll start by redefining the folds and making corners meet, fully inhabiting and embodying our physical form. By setting clear boundaries, we create the space to explore what’s possible. From there, we’ll move through a sequence that unfolds like a story: it begins, develops, and step by step expands.
What will you need?
A yoga mat
Two blocks
A blanket
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