Inner Child Work
with Liz Hays

Liz Hays is a spiritual teacher translating the inner relationship between the inner child and the inner being. The harmony between these two aspects of you is what creates a feeling of being SYNCED UP. From here everything is possible. Liz’s method is key to integrating your spiritual practice into everyday living.

Explore her practices on connecting with your inner child below.

Intro to the Inner Child

In this audio you will begin to sense your inner child. You will also gain clarity on the container of you. So often in our lives we are co-living with many in our inside space. In this audio the “others” will go “home” as you too go “home” to yourself.

The outcome of this practice is internal peace. The breath lightens. The mind becomes clear. You will end aligned. The inner child at home with the inner being. From here EVERYTHING unfolds.

Moving Emotion About Emotion

This is a quick audio, under 4 mins.

The purpose of this audio is to lace up the inner children and inner being. This leads to alignment in the moment. From here flow begins to lead the way. This is perfect prep before you focus on a project or task. Watch as just like magic you defy logic and complete things with ease.

Quick Sync up between
the Inner Child and Inner Being

This audio is quite profound. We introduce the topic of emotion and end up moving the emotional charge about emotions in general.

The outcome of this is a layer of FREEDOM. So often in our life we are making decisions based off of our fear of emotion. Whether the emotion is from ourselves or from what we sense in others. (This practice will be helpful to listen to several times. This is a main theme in human suffering. Together we are freeing the inner child.)