Dee Kennedy
Mystic High Priestess

About Dee

Dee has run spiritual journeys in Egypt for 16 years and her knowledge of the sites, rituals, and magic embedded there was deep and flawless. Though she says she’s most aligned with the ferocious goddess of war and healing, Sekhmet, I personally felt nothing but the soft, nurturing energy of pure love from her. She is heart-based Hathor on steroids. Her tours are frills-free—it’s not a luxury experience and it doesn’t need to be. With her guidance, I frequently flew into altered states, blasted easily through the density of my mind, and was able to untangle many of the old programs of fear and dumb habits. Most of all, she guided me to the invisible energy and spirit codes embedded in the Egyptian temples. I highly recommend you join one of her retreats (particularly ours we host each October in Egypt), but in the meantime, absorb some of her wisdom with her practice below!

Practice With Dee