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Ancient Egyptian Mystery School Practice for Shadow Season
Ancient Egyptian Mystery School Practice for Shadow Season with Dee Kennedy
In this workshop, you will explore the shadow body, called The Khaibit, or Sheut, in the Ancient Egyptian Mystical tradition.
It is one of the bodies of the 'nine spiritual bodies' of this system, which you will also learn more about and how they all interplay in our lived experience as humans.
Dee will lead you through a powerful practice to wield the Khaibit's wisdom.
They can be revisited time and again to continue clearing distortions and old programmings that are unresolved, and increase right-relationship with the shadow body as an ally.
These dynamic practices are deeply felt and transformative, and they heighten our conscious awareness of the three realms: physical, energetic, and spiritual.
You will need:
*A journal
*To be in a quiet environment for the duration of the workshop
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